
Bringing Home Your Puppy
Use the information in this section to prepare your home and family for life with your new puppy.
The Supplies You Need
Before you bring your puppy home, be sure you have the following supplies:
Premium pet food to get your new puppy off to a good start. We recommend ordering from Life's Abundance: www.LifesAbundance.com/NorthernLakesLabradors.com
Stainless steel, non-tip food and water bowls.
Bottled water for the first few days. Our water is from an all natural, spring fed well. There are no chemicals or additives in our water, other than natural minerals, etc. It is best to switch your new puppy over to your household water gradually, just like you do with his/her food. Start out by using mostly bottled water, gradually using less each day, and adding more tap water until he/she can tolerate 100% tap water. You should wait until he/she is fully on the new food before switching the water. It is best not to have too many changes at one time. If you have a water filter/purifier, then you should not have to use this process.
Identification tags with your puppy's name, your name, phone number and your veterinarian's name and phone number. A collar and a leather or nylon 6-foot leash that's 1/2 - 3/4 inches wide (consider using a "breakaway" collar with plastic clips that will unsnap in case your puppy gets hung up on something).
A home and travel crate that's airline approved and will accommodate your puppy's adult size. This crate will serve as your puppy's new "den" at home, when traveling or riding to the veterinarian's office. His scent in the crate will provide comfort and a sense of security during these stressful times.
Stain remover for accidental soilings.
Brushes and combs suited to your puppy's coat; ask your veterinarian or breeder about an appropriate brush or comb for your dog.
Dog shampoo, toothbrush, and toothpaste.
High-quality, safe chew toys to ease teething.
Flea, tick, and parasite controls.
Nail clippers.
Helpful Hints
Use stainless steel, non-tip food bowls, which won't break or absorb odors.
Toys with parts that squeak, or whistle can be dangerous if swallowed.
For a comfortable collar fit, allow for two-fingers of space between the collar and your dog's neck; consider using an adjustable collar.
Making a Home Safe
To make your home safe for your new puppy, eliminate potential hazards around the house and pay attention to the following items:
Keep breakable objects out of reach.
Deny access to electrical cords by hiding or covering them; make outlets safe with plastic outlet plugs.
Safely store household chemicals.
Keep the following house and garden plants out of reach: poinsettias, azaleas, rhododendrons, dumb cane, Japanese yew, oleander, and English ivy among others.
In the garage, be sure engine lubricants and other poisonous chemicals (especially antifreeze) are safely stored.
If you own a pool or hot tub, check the cover or the surrounding fence to be sure they are in good condition.
If you provide your puppy with an outdoor kennel, place it in an area that provides sun and shelter in the pen; be sure the kennel is large enough to comfortably accommodate your puppy's adult size.
The First Days at Home
The ideal time to bring home a new puppy is when the house is quiet. Discourage friends from stopping by and don't allow overnight guests. First establish a daily routine and follow these steps:
Step 1: Before bringing him in the house, take him to the area in your yard that will serve as his "bathroom" and spend a few minutes there. If he goes, praise him. If not, proceed into the house but be sure to take him to this spot each time he needs to use the bathroom.
Step 2: Take him to the room that accommodates your crate—this restricted area will serve as his new "den" for several days. Put bedding and chew toys in the crate, leave the door open and line the area outside of the crate with newspaper, in case of an accident. Let him investigate the crate and the room. If he chews or urinates on his bedding, permanently remove it from the crate.
Step 3: Observe and interact with your puppy while he's acclimating to his new den. This will help forge a sense of pack and establish you as the pack leader.
Special Puppy Concerns
Don't treat a puppy as young as 8 to 12-weeks old like an adult dog. Treat him the same way you would your own infant: with patience, constant supervision, and a gentle touch. The way you interact with your puppy at this age is critical to his socialization. Use these tips:
Do not bring home a puppy while you're on vacation so you can spend a lot of time with him. Instead, acclimate him to your normal, daily routine.
Always supervise your puppy and interact with him regularly.
Be alert for signs (sniffing and circling) that he must go to the bathroom, then take him outside immediately.
A young puppy has no bladder control and will need to urinate immediately after eating, drinking, sleeping, or playing. At night, he will need to relieve himself at least every three hours.
Do not punish an accident. Never push his nose in the waste or scold him. He won't understand and may learn to go to the bathroom when you're out of sight.
Praise your puppy every time he goes to the bathroom outside.
Feed your puppy a formula designed for puppies. Like a baby, he needs nutritious, highly digestible food.
Our Feeding Recommendations
We feed our puppies three times per day. When taking him/ her home, you should continue this routine for at least a couple months. We do not measure the amount yet, but instead fill the bowl and let them eat until they are full. After he/she stops eating (about 20 minutes or so), take the food bowl away and take the puppy outside to go potty. This will create a good potty-training routine. Keep in mind that while your puppy is going through growth spurts, he/she will need to eat more than usual. Go ahead and let him/her guide you. The puppy will not overeat when using this system.
Meeting Resident Pets
Keep resident pets separated from your new puppy for a few days. After your new puppy is used to his new den area, put an expandable pet gate in the doorway or put your puppy in his crate. Give your resident pet access to the area. Let pets smell and touch each other through the crate or pet gate. Do this several times over the next few days. After that, give the resident pet access to the den area with your new puppy out of his crate. Supervise their meeting and go back to through-the-gate/crate meetings if trouble arises.
Your puppy will have had at least his first few puppy shots, and will have been dewormed at least 3 times. Regular deworming is recommended as follows: Once a month until 6 months of age, then every 3-6 months after that for life. A monthly Heartworm and flea/tick treatment is also recommended. We use Bravecto or Frontline Plus spot-on to prevent fleas and ticks. Both of these items are available from a vet's office, or you may order them online from most pet supply sites. Your puppy will also need additional vaccinations, usually at 10, 14 and 16 weeks, and Rabies by 6 months of age. All of these vaccinations should be repeated at one year of age.
Links from the Eukanuba Website
Below are some links to articles published on the Eukanuba Dog Food website. We are not endorsing their food, nor are we telling you not to use their food. These are simply links to some of the information published by them for people like you--new puppy owners!! The links that we've taken the time to read, all seem pretty good, but with anything, use your own good judgement and feel free to research everything on different websites, ask your vet, etc. Congratulations on your decision to adopt a new Lab puppy!! This is such an exciting new adventure. As you and your new puppy fall in love with each other, you'll begin to wonder how you survived without your new baby for so long!! Enjoy the info below, hope these links help answer some of your questions, and of course we're always here to help along the way.
Protect your puppy from Parvo!
Until your puppy has had all of his/her vaccinations, please do not take him/her to places that other dogs frequent, i.e: Dog Parks, Petco, Pet Smart and the like, or any where else that other dogs tend to be. Going to a friend's house should be okay, as long as you make sure that their dogs have all had their vaccinations. If a puppy contracts the Parvo-virus (or any other virus) he/she will likely become very ill and may die, and can incur thousands of dollars in vet bills. BETTER SAFE THAN SORRY.
If in the future your life situation changes and you can no longer keep the Labrador puppy you purchased from us, we ask that you contact us so we can either assist you in trying to find a suitable new home for your Labrador Retriever, or your dog is welcome back here with us. No refunds or credits will be given.