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Microchip Information

Microchips from us are currently included in the purchase of your puppy.  You will also receive a prepaid Lifetime Registration with the Smart Tag's registry.  You will need to contact them to give them your information. This is a national database which is contacted, should your pet ever become lost and recovered. Collars can fall off and get lost, or simply removed by would-be thieves.  This is such a wonderful service to provide for your new puppy and he/she will thank you with an extra puppy kiss!!!

This recovery network accepts registrations of ALL US microchips, no matter which brand!

Microchips are used by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for the study of such animals as grizzly bears, black-footed ferrets and giant land tortoises. 
These endangered animals carry safe, permanent I.D. chips. They can be observed and protected while their habits are studied in a humane way. 

Over 132,000 animals have been aided in finding their owners because they were microchipped!
8-12 million pets are stolen annually, and 30-60% of these are euthanized annually according to the Humane Society.
Collars fall off, but microchips are forever.  They are virtually painlessly inserted in the back of the neck, under the skin and never have to be replaced. They are the size of rice. 
Theses chips are accepted by the American Kennel Club, Canadian Kennel Club , United Kennel Club, American Canine Association, American Pet Registry, and the USDA as means of identification.


If your dog has a microchip, no one can ever deny the lost or stolen dog is YOURS!
Many a dog is stolen to make a quick buck at a laboratory.
These professional dog stealers are called "BUNCHERS".  They obtain dogs from "free pet" ads or just simply steal them.

***We reserve the right to substitute an alternate brand if the Smart Tag chips are out of stock, but we will always use a reputable company.***

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Northern Lakes Labradors

Yellow English Lab Puppies
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©2008- 2024 by Northern Lakes Labradors, LLC

of Bowersville, Georgia GA

Dan and Alitha Kamrath, Life's Abundance Independent Field Representatives


No photos may be used without permission.

Northern Lakes Labradors

Labrador Retriever, dog breeder

Family Pets, Pet Services, Pet Breeder

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